
Friday 19 June 2020

The best way to win Greedy Pig

How to play:  You have to roll one dice and what ever number it land on you write that number down and when you feel like you have enough numbers you can say you are out or sit down, but if the dice lands on one everyone is out expect for the people who are out.

The best way to win:  When it comes to the closest number near 1 then you should maybe sit down because it might be one next or even it you feel like you have enough numbers then you can sit and wait for the others 

By: Ilaisaane

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ilaisaane I'm Bella from Paroa School, I really liked this and how it explained how to play. I love playing the game in class because it's lots of fun and you just need to take a risk sometimes. Next time to be BTB (Better Than Before) you could maybe add more full stops but otherwise it's good.
    Haere Ra.


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